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Indigenous Graduates
- We are are looking for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander graduates across a range of disciplines, including law, commerce, finance, public policy, political science and mathematics. If you have an interest and passion for influencing policies that will affect all Australians, we can help nurture that and tailor your graduate program so that you are able to use your knowledge, skills and experience to their full potential.
- Treasury is focussed on increasing Indigenous representation and engagement in recognition of the vital contributions Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can make across economic, cultural and organisational domains. By joining us, you will have the opportunity to build Treasury's knowledge, understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, and ensure our work continues to represent the Australian population we serve.
- To learn more or to apply to the program through an Affirmative Measure visit our Graduate Program site.
Indigenous Initiatives at Treasury
Indigenous employment initiatives are part of our broader workplace inclusion and diversity program that is driven by our commitment to value, respect and embrace diversity. Our commitment to inclusion and diversity is evident in actions we take to build Indigenous representation, understanding and engagement, including through:
- the appointment of a Deputy Secretary, Sam Reinhardt, to the role of Indigenous Champion;
- departmental recognition and celebration of Indigenous cultural events, such as National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week;
- participation in whole-of-government Indigenous recruitment programs, like the Indigenous Australian Government Development Program (IAGDP);
- through our work to develop and implement a new Reconciliation Action Plan;
- participating in the Jawun secondment as a means to build Indigenous cultural capability in Treasury; and
- encouraging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants in all external recruitment, including through the use of Affirmative Measures recruitment.
Treasury also encourages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to apply for all advertised positions and encourages existing APS employees to join Treasury on secondment at the APS5-6 and Executive Levels.
To find out more about working at Treasury:
Phone +61 2 6263 2222 (option 3).

"I am Treasury's first Indigenous Australian Government Development Program (IAGDP) employee. I have been encouraged to contribute a range of diverse ideas, fresh thinking, energy and perspectives within Corporate Group. Since commencing in mid-2016, I have been given extensive responsibility for Treasury's Learning & Development and Employee Relations functions. More recently I have been involved in Talent Sourcing and Treasury Graduate Program. Treasury continues to support me studying for a Diploma in Government and Diploma in Human Resources." "I highly recommend considering a career at Treasury to Indigenous Australians. Treasury may not be the first department you think about working at, but it's a very friendly and welcoming place. Being a central agency and relatively small means you get to quickly learn about how government operates and get firsthand experience in the work Treasury does and see the impact it has on our community."
Elizabeth Olive, Treasury IAGDP recruit.
Affirmative measures for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's employment
From time to time Treasury will advertise recruitment opportunities as open only to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates by using an Affirmative Measure. While merit remains the basis for engagement and promotion, the aim of these provisions is to increase the representation of Indigenous Australians in Treasury and the APS.
The use of an Affirmative measure is provided for by subsection 8(1) of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 which enables the restriction of positions to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.
Why use an Affirmative Measure?
Affirmative Measure processes recognise it is sometimes necessary to provide additional support in order for them to enjoy their right to employment on an equal basis with others. The aims of the Affirmative Measure are to:
- promote the right to equality and non-discrimination in employment for Indigenous Australians;
- increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians employed in Treasury and the APS; and
- assist agencies to meet the objectives of the Commonwealth Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy.
What are the requirements of applying for a position under an Affirmative Measure?
Applicants must provide confirmation of heritage prior to being offered a role. Types of evidence that are considered include:
- a letter signed by the Chairperson of an incorporated Indigenous organisation confirming that you are recognised as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person, or
- a confirmation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent form executed by an Indigenous organisation.
What if I don't have a confirmation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander heritage document?
If you do not have the required evidence prior to applications closing, you can still submit an application. Simply attach a letter or email which outlines the steps you are taking to source your documentation. You will have to provide documented evidence prior to being offered a position.
If you are having trouble getting a confirmation, there are a number of resources to assist you: